Tuesday, July 29, 2008


PDX POP was very fun, we were really glad to be a part of it.
It was very nice to see so many donuts in bands room...It was yummy : )

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

the morning after

When the morning comes after a fun show like last night, I usually tend to follow similar routines.

a. Waking up really early, although I go to bed like 3am.
b. Finding my sweaty t-shirt I wore at the show in my purse, and I go "let's remember to air dry it the next time.."
c. Start thinking about nice people we saw at the show (For last night, New Bloods girls, Au guys..etc.)
d. Start to wonder that maybe we should invite them for dinner party or something.
e. Then I think about what I would cook for them, and wonder if they are vegetarian or vegan.....on and on and on..