Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Trade Up fever

Trade Up Music is a really nice music store with full of nice workers in Portland.
They are sooo nice that they don't treat Jesse like a crazy person, even though he goes there more than you could imagine.
I sometimes think that they are like day care center.

I used to use old casio keyboard when i was a keyboard player. But I sold my main one to Trade up a while ago.
I used to drag that big old keyboard everywhere on the tour. Me and the keyboard have so much memories together. I sometimes wondered who would be using now..
Then the other day we went to Trade up. To my surprise, the casio i sold is now owned by our great friend, Dusty who works there.
I am very happy that he likes the sound : )


1 comment:

  1. I know someone who collects purses,.,. she has so many purses, she had to sell her keyboard to make room for more,.,.

    OH by the way,.,. this is Dusty's band:

    Dusty was someone we thought of asking to join XDS,., but we are so light & compact as a 2 piece that it seems right as is.,..

    & trade up link:
    they are awesome,.,.

    by the way I don't buy that much stuff from trade up these days,.,. I just got there to zone out get ideas,.,.some times they do have very very good deals on weird old stuff,.,. I love old tube amps & one of a kind sythy stuff,.,.we should get a sponsorship there,.,.
